10 February, 2015

A Skit To Remember

My camp experience that was amnesty-like, was when we were being VERY loud in our cabin. We were being especially loud when we were rehearsing (practicing) for skit night. I was the director in the skit, and was with no doubt the most audible (loud) in the cabin. The good thing was that I was in character the whole time, so I had an excuse (reason) to be loud! We all definitely had a fun time rehearsing and enjoyed skit night. I think that we should have less rules at camp because it would be a better experience without worrying about getting in trouble. I mean, what do you think?


  1. I partially agree with you on the rule minimizing thing. I think they should eliminate the no snowball fights and no candy rules since no one follows them. I think the curfew time was ok though because 10:30 is pretty late and by then most people were tired. But, at the end of the day, camp is still really fun even with the rules, we all just work around them. My cabin was really loud for practicing skit-night too. It was a new experience for me because I don’t usually do skits or have to practice performing in front of other people, it was fun. Cabin-time was always pretty loud for our cabin too.

  2. First of all, I would like to say that you did an exceptional job as the director and your skit was one of my favorites! In answer to your question, I kind of agree but kind of disagree. I think that the staff does a good job of being relaxed on the rules and letting us have fun. Maybe they could have lights out a little later and not go around the check if everyone is in bed. I think it would be a good idea if we had a curfew on the first two days and then no curfew on the last day to see how responsible we are when we get the choice to stay up late. That would be a fun for the last day!


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