15 November, 2018

Are You Cursed?

     From the podcast, I learned how to get somebody to listen to a warning, I also learned that people choose weather to listen to the warning. For example, the Alaskan ice tunnel: One of the staff that worked there knew that the bio matter in the frozen tunnel was melting and leaching toxic amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, he tried to tell the  person allowing this tunnel to melt, but the person passed him off. The director chose not to listen to the staff because in doing so, he would have to close his source of income. If he had listened, the tunnel would not have leached so much carbon into our atmosphere. there were some things that the Chris, one of the staff, could have done to convince the director to listen. Chris could have shown evidence, asked someone closer to the director to relay the information, or not asked to completely shut down the only source of income for the director. These things might have convinced the director to listen instead of poisoning the environment. This is called the Cassandra effect. How would you get important people to listen to you.

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