15 November, 2018

Unheard Warnings

            After taking notes about the Cassandra curse it's interesting how people will ignore warnings if you don't have authority or you're well known. If someone is warning you still take it into consideration and don't brush it off simply. Especially in the story of Cassandra, she predicted events that were going to take place and she told people and they happened. At that point if her story starts becoming true and things are happening as she said you should listen to her because it's exactaly whats happening. But I don't understand why they would brush them off. Then also the Permafrost. That's a really bad problem that can contribute negativley to global warming and could destroy Antarctica, the habitat of many animals which would be truly damaging. He has evidence to back up his claim so people should listen to him so we could try to prevent this disaster from occuring. For a warning to be heard I noticed is that people only listen to people with authority or people that are well-known. We should listen to everybody though just because they don't have authority, or they aren't the same, race, gender, or religion as us. Everyone should take warnings into consideration just to be cautious if these disasters start taking place so we have a chance to prevent them. Do you think that warnings of people without authority should be brushed off?

1 comment:

  1. I agree when you said that people normally only listen to people with authority. And that is why we are trying to come up with ways for people to believe you, even when you are not in authority. This was a good post and I agree with a lot of stuff you said. My question is how do you feel when people ignore you or don't believe you when you are telling the truth?


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