14 November, 2018

The CaSsAnDrA effect.

        No one listens to your dire warnings of terrible catastrophe that you can prevent; the Cassandra Curse. To actually get people to listen, you can sort out a way to show further escalation, and show that if you don't act now, then later, it may be too late. Another way is also to show evidence of the disaster warnings and show how they connect. It also helps if the people that you can save have a connection to the person of power, because it would be easier to feel the need to save them. After all, what would you do if you have to convince someone of a disaster?


  1. I would most likely try to find a source of proof, or just listen to others' ideas first, and then share mine. Sometimes, they won't believe you, but you still need to try and change their point of view. How do you think they'll respond/react? Will it be positive? Or negative?

  2. If I had to find a way to convince others of a dangerous situation or some disaster I would look for evidence. Although you may think this may not be enough... it is not. I agree with Vasilisa, I think we need to make some sort of connection with the person you need to warn for if they are a higher standpoint than you they will not take you seriously. What do you think the outcome will be? Good...or bad?


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