15 November, 2018

I'm Warming You! Get it? Global Warming? Warning?

           The lesson I learned from the Podcast was that "The Cassandra Curse" was an important event in history, and that we can relate to, and learn from, Cassandra's struggles and experiences. The question I will be answering is, "What should we do to convince those in power that action needs to be taken?" In the Podcast, we learned how Andrew Natsios faced the same struggles Cassandra did, nobody believed him. I learned that Andrew Natsios convinced the Bush Administration that there was escalating violence in Sudan and that the U.S. had to supply aid. He was able to do this, because he was “an insider”, he layed out clear evidence and he showed that this could affect the Bushs’ re-election. He understood that people tend to look more sympathetically at something when the people who are suffering have something in common with us. How do you think we should convince those in power that action needs to be taken? 👥


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a great post! I agree that the Cassandra Curse was an important event that we can learn a lot from, and I think we can all use Andrew Natsios' methods to make our voices heard. In answer to your question, I agree with all the things you listed, and I think we also have to have a clear plan of what the people can do to help. That way they can immediately take action, and there is proof you know what you're talking about. It's sad how people without authority tend to not be believed! One question for you: Most people here don't really have the power to see the future... what problems in middle school, that are already happening, can we use these methods for to bring them to the attention of the teachers or principal?

  3. It really cool how your brought up Bushes election and how someone predicted there was a problem


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