15 November, 2018

Listen and Learn: Preventing Modern Day Problems

From this lesson/podcast, I learned that we need to listen to someone who is more experienced than us in a subject. Even if we don't understand them, we need to try to listen and learn. When we listen to others, we can make more problems preventable. We like to think that just because someone has no proof, they are wrong, which sometimes is the case, but other times, it is not. If I wanted someone to believe me, I would probably try to know their ideas first and then compare them to mine. What would you do to make someone believe you?

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question, if I wanted someone to believe me, I would gather information and evidence. Also, I would also want to know the person. For example, Cassandra was an outsider, and that's why people didn't believe her that much. Also, what do you think of real-life Cassandra's? Do you think that you would believe them if they told you something?


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