14 November, 2018

Why we heed some warnings, and ignore others..........................

What I learned from this podcast is about the evidence that you need for people to believe you. Andrew Natsios's  warnings were taken seriously because of his relations with the presidents (George H. W. Bush & George W. Bush), his history in the NGO sector, he was an expert, he also had (kind've) a conservative pedigree, and he had experience in the armed forces. Therefore, he was seen as a national security type. This made people believe his warnings. Unfortunately, a genocide in Darfur claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in the way that you will most likely only be believed when you are in an important position, because like in the story of Cassandra, she was not important so she was not believed. But here's a question: would YOU believe someone if they told you something and made a prediction if you did not now whether they were right or wrong?


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