15 November, 2018

Avoiding the Cassandra Effect

What I learned from this podcast is how to get other people to believe you when you are telling the truth. Some ways you can convince someone to believe you is to find ways to connect your problem with the person you are talking to. Just find something that might make what you said a little bit more meaningful to them. Don't let the Cassandra curse come to you. The cassandra curse from greek history was that Cassandra could see the future, but no one would ever believe her. Make sure to make your warning, and make sure that you are listened to. For example, in 1986, the space ship took off in the air, but exploded because people didn't listen to the warning that was given by many scientists about not using the rubber rings. The important warnings need to be heard or a tragedy can always occur. My question for you is "how will you get people to listen to your warnings?".

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I think that there should always be a easy way of explaining something to someone. It should be short and simple, unlike Cassandra's riddle like talk. I think that people should always care about warning, even if they seem not happen in real life.


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