14 November, 2018

Heed My Warning!

The lesson I learned from this podcast about listening to warnings is that when people don't listen to you is either they don't want to face the truth or because they don't believe you. If you want to have people listen to you First don't insult them and don't purposely lie to them. Second make sure you are clear in your warning because Cassandra was so vague in her warnings people couldn't understand her and then didn't listen to her. Last state your warning and cite evidence. Now what do you think would help to get your message through to others?


  1. I agree with you. I'm guessing what your saying falls along the same lines as, "To convince someone, you have to understand and listen to their point while also trying to get through yours", right? If this is true, I would put this in your blog post as well.

  2. Question: Do you believe that oracles like Cassandra exist in the world?

  3. I totally agree with you on that you have to be clear and cite evidence eon your warnings. If someone was trying to convince me of something and they weren't clear, I would immediately dismiss them. Like you said you also shouldn't insult people when you are trying to convince them. Do you think that oracles are always right?


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