14 November, 2018

Getting People to Believe You and Act

Getting people to believe your warning of impending disaster is hard. Getting people to act upon your precautions is nearly impossible. The Greek myth of "Cassandra" tells us of a prophet who can see the future and tell her visions to people but nobody believes her. She speaks in metaphors and riddles, which nobody understands. She doesn't lay out clear evidence to allow people to believe her. Lastly, she's five-hundred steps ahead of everybody else so what she envisions is the complete opposite of the current situation. These traits curse her so that nobody listens to her. Humans tend to try and create a false sense of safety and refuse to believe warnings of doom so that they feel safer. This trait of humans makes it literally impossible for people to believe and act upon warnings of impending doom and death. To break this bubble of inaccurate safety, you will need to do a couple of things. First of all, speak clearly. To even make people understand what you are saying, state your claim clearly. Lay out clear evidence to back up your claim. This way, they can't shrug it off and say "That's not true". Speak out about the consequences. Then people will know that this is harmful if left untreated. You should also list ways that we can help so then we will know what to do. Lastly, it is suggested that you should consult somebody of high power (not the President, he won't listen) so then they can act with bigger power. Before you go, I want you to consider something. If you and when you see something dangerous and leads to millions of lives lost, when will you report it and who will you report it to?

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post Henry! I especially agree with the part about stating clear evidence. However, I think you also need to ease into the problem and solution to said problem. If you just start with saying it, people will be scared off immediately and won't even listen to what you have to say. Overall, I loved this post and thought it was really well written.


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