19 March, 2015

The Tremendous Temple of Angkor Wat

I feel like working on my alliteration. So I will be talking about the amazing adventures you can have in Angkor Archaeological Park! The word Angkor is derived from the Sanskrit nagara meaning city. The Angkorian period began in AD 802.There are over 1000 temples in the Angkor Park. Ranging from nondescript piles of brick rubble scattered through rice fields to the magnificent Angkor Wat said to be the world's largest religious monument. Many of the temples at Angkor have been restored over the years. I am sure the tremendous temples were restored by the most terrific craftsmen in the world. Angkor is considered to be a "hydraulic city" because it had a complicated irrigation network,which was used for systematically stabilizing, storing, and dispersing water throughout the area. Do you think that the people who created this magnificent park intended to have it last this long?
Image result for angkor wat

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