18 March, 2015

Look no farther

So you’re in Southeast Asia for a good time, but not a long time. Beyond the major cities Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi, and so on there are so many temples, ruins, picturesque towns and natural attractions that it can be hard to know where to start. Famous attractions like Rome’s Spanish Steps or The Alamo in Texas often suffer from expectations so high that they only ever disappoint. This is not the case with the Temples of Angkor. First of all, the temple complex is so massive that the sheer size of the place is bound to impress. Because of its size, too, tourist hordes are thinned out. They tend to congregate around the main events: Angkor Wat, Bayon and the vine-covered Ta Phrom. The rest of the 400 square kilometers? All yours to discover. And there is much to discover. Generations of Khmer rulers built hundreds of architecturally jaw-dropping temples around the site. One day isn't nearly enough to see it all.

Image result for Angkor Archaeological Park, Cambodia


  1. Sebastian, I wrote about the Angkor temples too. Isn’t the Angkor temples great, they are an architectural beauty. There must of been amazing artist in there time and hard working builders, to make the Angkor temples. The Angkor park, it is so huge, if I were to go there during the morning, I would came back out during the night, because it show huge and I will admire the artistic beauty. Even though this is off topic, check out Nikita’s scuba diving post, wouldn’t it be cool to have an underwater cave in the Angkor temples?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ha nice topic sentence and title. The title drew me in to reading this and to get my homework done lol. Wow that temple looks very cool. That's very huge and very old. It sounds like a cool place to go visit someday when I'm older. It is a very different style of building from now to then. I think it looks very Chinese in someway (not to be rude). Do you know the date it was finished building? You might want to see Michael's because he did the same one. ^

  4. Sebastian, be sure to use your own words. This is taken directly from: http://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/adventuretravel/10-cant-miss-attractions-in-southeast-asia/ss-BB4ETPB


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