19 March, 2015

Some Déjà vu

I would like to go to Penang because of the food on that website Mr. Hopper linked.  It looked so good I want to visit there to try those entrees.  They are to die for (this is a hyperbole :P ).  Also the place is an island for those who didn’t know.  Char Koay Teow looks like its on my #1 to eats.  Mr. Hopper one way or another you know how to torture me!  Anyway back to bizness.  This is just like the other time I focused on food *sigh*.  If you look up Penang the sweetest pictures pop up (on google images) so I recommend it.  What is your favorite dish from this

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michael i agree with you that food looks very good although i don't think i would try the curry i am not a person who likes spicy foods but the Laksa Lemak looks very good it is curry like soup usually served with rice and has egg in it and it has slices of fish cake and either prawns or chicken is used. what do you think of that? By the way i think you should check out Advatih`s post it seems he share your interest in penang’s food.


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