18 March, 2015

my dream place

A place that I think would be extremely magnificent to visit would be Luang Prabang, Laos. (I,m going to work on using a bigger variety of words) I’d choose to visit here because there is a fantastic variety of cultures, adventures, and history to analyze. This place has breathtaking sights and places to see and explore. You could visit Kuang butterfly park, temples, different types of shops, and many other wonderful things. If it were up to me though I’d want to visit Kuang Si Falls.  This stunning waterfall has many attractions to it, you can simply go for a swim, study the different types of wildlife, hiking up the waterfall, or simply just relax and find your inner peace. So, if you were to sometime visit here what would you do?  

1 comment:

  1. I love your post Brooke. The pictures are beautiful. I would love to visit. If I visited that place I would go to the waterfall and swim because I love to swim. I would also like to see the wildlife there. I also think you should read Sara Stone’s post because it talks about the temperature, the statues, and the tourism in Luang Prabang, Laos. Sara also talks about that it is the royal image of Buddha.


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