06 March, 2015

Milk a Snake?

The snake milking process is a bit more complicated than they showed in the Jeff Corwin video. When you think of milking something, then you probably think the stuff the comes out is milk. But you also probably know that you can’t get milk from a snake. So what do I mean? When the people of India milk the snake, they are actually extracting the venom from the preferred snake. Here is my understanding of the process. First they choose the desired snake. Then, they milk it through the teeth, puncturing them into a special type of dish. Then the venom is diluted and injected into an animal. The animal can also differ. After this process they wait to see the animal’s reaction, and determine whether or not it is ok to give to us humans. You may or may not have known the the venom is mixed with other ingredients, then given to us people as a remedy to snake bites and venoms in our system. I found this so interesting and I thought that you might too.

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