19 March, 2015

water lyfe

I would love to visit Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. Why you ask, because of all the untaught (natural) environment. For examples, the Virgin Forest of over 37,000 hectares, the white sandy beaches, and the varieties(difference) of wildlife there. The sad part about is that this is an almost unknown place. International tourist and Vietnamese just recently discovered Phu Quoc Island. The government has formed a plan to develop the the island into a high quality ecotourism destination by 2020. Until then, people can adore (enjoy) the coconut trees and calm blue waters. Would you like to visit Phu Quoc Island?


  1. Hi Anna! I really liked your post. I heard that there is really good snorkeling there! I just hope that I don’t have to go squid fishing! I would really like to go sailing there and put my skills to use! Did you know that there are actually supposed to be accents on the letters like this: Phú Quốc? Phú Quốc is currently under Cochinchina administration. Maybe we could go and run at Phú Quốc someday. And yes, I would love to visit Phu Quoc Island, but would you?

  2. I forgot to add, Marie's post is really good. It's called Bali is Calling You!!!


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