06 March, 2015

Lions, Tigers, and Bears OH MY!!!

Maybe you didn't catch Jeff mention the rare tigers in South Asia, but it sounds interesting huh?  The bengal tiger is the most populated tiger species but it is still endangered. Did you know that Richard Parker from the Life of Pi was a Bengal tiger? The bad part is that bengal tigers have vicious personalities… So,  the tiger in the movie was digitally created. :(  Anyways, while I was searching the web, I saw an article about a true bengal tiger story! The article was entitled “Lions, Tiger and Bears Oh My!” As cubs a lion, bengal tiger and bear were improperly treated by their owner until Animal Protective services took them away. Twelve years later, the three furry friends are cuddling, playing and eating happily ever after. :)   What’s better than bengal tigers?!blt

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