18 March, 2015

Mountains of Evermore

Climbing for some people is more than just an activity or a hobby. It’s life. People spend their entire lives training to climb mountains, or just straight up climbing them. Mount Kinabalu is one of the mountains people want to climb or even just see. This mountain is located in Malaysia. Which is in South Asia. This mountain has a 4095-meter peak. Which is, very big. This is Borneo’s tallest and biggest mountain. Which is saying something because Borneo has a lot of mountains. If you get to the peak. There’s a chance you might see the Philippines. Now chances are that you won’t, but you never. Would you want to go here?

1 comment:

  1. Well I would want to go there because, as you said, it is very big, and I like big areas. Also you said it’s tall, like me, I’m tall. I’m sure you already knew, but just in case you didn’t, its first ascent was in March of 1851 by Hugh Low (summit plateau) and in 1888 by John Whitehead (highest peak). I think you should look at Mya’s post to compare the mountain she talks about to Mount Kinabalu.


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