09 October, 2016

"Kool" Ideas Lead to Thousands

Hello everyone,

Jaden (12) and Amaya (11) own a snow cone company called Kool Kidz Sno Konez. Their parents thought that they ought to start making some money to pay for their own things. The kids decided to sell snow cones in their front yard. By the end of two summers they had made over one-thousand dollars,They talked about opening a storefront for their business, but their Mom talked them into a more reasonable idea, buying a food truck. Their business has grown and is well known around the town of  Memphis. Along with the twenty flavors of snow cones, Jaden and Amaya have  recently added hot dogs and nachos to their menu. If these young kids can make so much money off of something simple why can't you?
Image result for kool kidz sno konez


  1. Wow. I think it's great that kids can make so much money off of something so simple, especially a snow cone stand. Because if they are making that much money in the summer, then they have to be planning to expand their snow cone truck during the winter. This is really a simple yet genius idea for two people our age.

  2. Good post! I enjoyed that you included there ages, location, and a small backstory of it all. Keep up the good work!

  3. I think it is kool( Get it, because they spelled cool with a “k” so i did too) how an eleven and twelve year old are attempting to run an one thousand dollar business. I'm sure a snow cone truck is more than one thousand dollars, so how will they afford the truck.


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