05 October, 2016

Teen pays for college by selling jewelry on Etsy


Have you ever thought about how you are going to pay for college? A girl named LeiLei Secor didn’t know either, she just knew she needed a scholarship. LeiLei started making jewelry at 13 and after a couple years started becoming successful.  She is now going to University of Virginia and is paying out of state tuition. She does have a scholarship, but still has to pay about $40,000 dollars a year. As a young teen she  loved to make jewelry and she started selling necklaces, pendants, and rings made of wire. She managed to sell $100,000 and that helped pay for 2 years of college. If she can sell the same amount of jewelry in 2 more years, she can afford 4 years of college at University of Virginia. Do you have a hobby you could turn into a business?


  1. That is so cool. I learned that even though the product is not that big you can get so much money for it. I could never do something like that because I am not creative. I think that it is very cool that she payed 2 years of college just by making jewelry. Do you think that you could make something like this to pay for college?

  2. It's really awesome how she got that much money, and she is only a teen. It is a huge acomplishment that she got a scholarship, but she still had to pay about $40,000. That is still a lot of money she needs to pay. So I think that it is smart that she did something to earn cash, and not just go and spend it on what she wants she decided to put it towards scholarship. I would have done the same thing that she had done. Teagan would you have done something like she did to earn money so she could pay for college?


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