05 October, 2016

Soccer is a Kick in the Grass

Many young kids have ideas to start businesses. The Young Entrepreneurs Academy helps kids start business. An example of them helping a kids is 16 year old, Shandon Kiah. She started her own business called Albatross Athletics which makes soccer training equipment. Albatross Athletics specialized in makes goalie training bands. The training band are a six-foot resistance bands with an ankle strap on one end and a strap to go on the goalpost on the other end.  Shandon is making a lot of money and is only 16. I challenge you to try and make a difference for people like Shandon did.


  1. This is a great blog, and such a great product. I think it is important to think about other when creating a product. This is such a useful tool to use in soccer while training. I have seen many of products like this, but never for soccer. If I created a product for other people to train with, I would probably make a product that aligned your hips. It would be useful for every sport. What would you create?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Maddie!!! If I created a product it would probably be something about soccer, but I do not know what I would do.


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