17 October, 2014

Medusa and Her Snake Crew

Medusa was not the only ugly goddess. Did you know that she had three sisters? Ya...neither did I. Their name’s are Stheno and Euryale. They are all of the same parents too. They were daughters of Phorcys, who is a sea god and Ceto. Also, Medusa is not the only one that has nasty snakes for hair in fact they all did. They also shared some other pretty weird features like scales, brass hair, and even...beards.
Medusa was the only one of her sisters that was mortal. That's why when she was beheaded by the hero Perseus she actually did die. So if you were face to face with Medusa and her three sisters...what would you do?


  1. Your post was very interesting, and if I were face to face with Medusa and her sisters I would probably faint. When I get back up I would faint again. Then I would finally run away if they followed I would be very scared and I would probably be dead by the time I could do anything else. So what would you do?

  2. If I came face to face with Medusa and her three sisters, I would probably do many different things. I would laugh so hard because they had beards, not that there is anything wrong with that, I would also try to see if parseltongue (Harry Potter) would work with the snakes and I would try to run away before they turn me to stone. If they had hair made of brass, how would they cut their hair?

  3. If I were head to head with all three of them I would just look down and run, unlike you where you're probably the same height and it wouldn't work so yay for short people. How did you hear about her other sisters and why weren't they mortal like Medusa if they shared the same parents?


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