17 October, 2014


Ancient Greece was an incredible place.

have you heard of philosophers who would lie on their sides and eat peeled grapes? Well, in Greece, all meals were eaten laying on your side! Well, if you didn't already know, there were a lot of people living in Greece during the ancient times, right? But on the not so bright side, ⅓ of their population size consisted of slaves. For all you runners here’s a good one! Pheidippides was a Greek hero who ran 150 miles from Marathon to Sparta to get help against the Persians. After the Greeks won the war, he ran 25 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the victory. This is where the marathon running race gets its EPIC name! Here’s a question for you guys. Are there any weird or cool facts that I didn’t state? Tell me!

1 comment:

  1. Good to me Ben and your blog is great. Ben we can't peeled grape? Who is the person ran 150 miles. Do they live close to Athena. Do they get a prize for running a 150 miles. This is a cool fact Ben. That all what I need to say to you.


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