16 October, 2014

Οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες (The Ancient Greeks)

Ah the Greeks, ruining our language since around 750 B.C. This world has gotten a lot from the Greeks, like most of the English language. It has had a lot of influence on our world in stories as well, stories like Percy Jackson. The Greeks had multiple cities. Most of them had different styles of life. You have the Spartans, the warriors that teach all kids to fight at a young age. The the people in Athens, the city that's known as "The school of Greece". Also Greek history is very interesting. They created myths that make no sense and used them to explain the world they lived in. The Greek's time ended when the Romans invaded. There was also a time called the Hellenistic Age which was the term used to describe the culture and time after Alexander The Great died. Overall, the Greeks have influenced our world in many ways and will always be remembered. 

1 comment:

  1. Mia,
    This is a good piece of writing...especially the early pun! Be sure to end with a question or challenge, though!
    : )


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