16 October, 2014

Olympics, Olympics, Olympics

According to some historians the first Olympics date back to 776 BC. The game were dedicated to the Olympian gods. They went on for almost 12 centuries until Emperor Theodosius decreed in 393 AD. The Olympic victor would receive his award right after the competition. Spectators would throw flowers to show happiness and pride. Red ribbons would be tied on the winner’s head and hands to show that the won. The official awards ceremony took place after all of the games. The Olympics back then seem really cool. I wonder how it would feel to win an Olympic event?

1 comment:

  1. I think it would feel amazing! I've always wanted to be in the Olympics. I love watching the summer Olympics. It’s cool that they still have some of the same traditions in the Olympics now as they did in the first Olympics. I can’t believe that the Olympics at the time went on for almost 12 centuries. What sport would you want to play in the Olympics?


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