22 October, 2014

S.M.S. (Social Media Safety)

I think that things like social media are great for kids (at an appropriate age) as long as they don't abuse the privilege. Kids like the girl in the video seem like responsible people, and having the parents to prove them right shows that they aren’t making things up. Although it isn’t my family, maybe they should give her some leeway. But I don’t blame them for being so worried. You have people out there that post so much inappropriate content and don’t get discovered. They need to put more protection on social networks so that one day, kids won’t need to be watched when on social media.

1 comment:

  1. Dude...great post! I do think that, as social media changes how we all learn to communicate with one another, people need to learn how to be appropriate. Not just with what they say, but how and when they say it. For example, while it is perfectly acceptable to chat with friends on your phone, it is incredibly rude to continue that conversation while checking out at Meijer. It is rude to the cashier...implying that they are merely your servant, and no one (waiting in line near you) wants to hear about that Gall Bladder surgery of your Aunt Bertha's.
    Do you (or does anyone else that is reading this) disagree with me?
    : )

    Keep it up!


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