16 October, 2014


What is Sparta you ask? Sparta is a city in Greece that is all about war. Spartans were tough, silent, and grim and won most of the wars they fought. When you were born and they thought you were too sickly, they would leave you to die. When you were 7, they would send you to the barracks to train with other boys or girls depending on your gender. You would be there for 13 years practicing with spears, swords, and learning how to wrestle. They gave food that you could barely live off of. This made you have the urge to steal. Spartans believed that stealing would help you if you were on your own trying to survive. If you were caught stealing at war you would get killed. But at the barracks, you would get punished.

One of the major wars was called the Peloponnesian War. Their opponent was the Athenians. Early in the war, Athens was struck by a plague. When the plague ended one-third of Athenians had died. After the plague, the Spartans staged a blockade. They surrounded and closed the harbor where Athens received their food shipments and they were forced to surrender.

I chose Sparta because I wanted to learn about it and share that information about it with you guys. Now that you read my blog, what comes to mind when you hear Sparta?

1 comment:

  1. When I think of Sparta I think of the movie 300. I think of how the Spartans sent only 300 people to fend off thousands of Persians. Spartans were practically bred to be fearless warriors. Spartans were probably the strongest fighters in Greece. Don’t you think that the Spartans were the best also?


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