16 October, 2014

The Olympus

Greece have most history in whole world. But, when I think about ancient Greece,I think about Olympus. The ancient Greeks believe the god, so they are loyalty to god. The king of the gods is Zeus. Zeus ruled both the gods and men from atop Mt. Olympus, Greece’s highest mountain. In Olympus, they have twelve of gods. The twelve of gods are Zeus(king of the gods), Hera(queen of the gods), Poseidon(the sea),Hades(the underworld), Hestia(hearth/home), Athena(wisdom/war), Artemis(moon/hunt), Apollo(light,music,prophecy), Aphrodite(love,beauty), Hephaestus(fire,forge), Ares(war), Hermes(messenger/divine herald). In Mythology, always the gods are fighting each other, but that is interesting. I want you guys are get interesting of Greek gods.


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