16 October, 2014

Some Greasy Pizza

In Ancient Greece, there was a lot of stuff going on. They hosted the first Olympic games, had a center of public life, certain freedoms for certain people, and was common to have slaves. That’s a lot. Although they were polytheistic (they believed in many gods), they held their Olympic games in honor of Zeus. Their center of public life was Athens. You would see mostly men there since women didn't have as many freedoms. If you had slaves, you wouldn't be questioned because it was very common. What do you think about slavery in Ancient Greece?

1 comment:

  1. Great job Kyle, catchy title! I think all slavery is bad, to answer your question. I agree that Greece was a popular city. I liked the part about the Olympics, I didn’t know that, but why were the Olympics held in honor of Zeus? And do you like Greecey pizza, Kyle?


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