17 October, 2014

The story of Poseiden and Athena A.K.A The Story Of Athens

Did you know that the Greeks were Polytheistic? Well, they were! The gods family tree was REALLY messed up! Here is the link! Also, the two Greek gods Poseidon and Athena don’t like each other because there once came a time in Ancient Greece when the first king of Athens, Cecrops, who was half person and half snake, had to find a patron deity for the city state of Athens. The two Olympian gods who were particularly interested in the patronage.They presented themselves in front of Cecrops he asked from them to offer a gift truly valuable for Athens.Poseidon went first: he struck the earth and created a well with his trident. Immediately, streaming water shot forth, but the water turned out to be salty and not very useful.Next,Athena stepped forward, struck her spear into the ground and then she kneeled and planted an olive branch in it. This way she created an olive tree, as a symbol of peace and prosperity on Earth. Cecrops was very impressed by Athena’s gift. So he chose Athena to claim the city of Athens and the city was named after her.Poseidon got mad and cursed the land with a water shortage that still lasts today!What is your favorite story of Greece?


  1. I didn't know that story that's one is new to me. I didn't know that Poseidon had such a short temp did you? He only lost the contest.to bad the gods aren't real right i would have wanted a peace tree in my back yard. Do you believe in the gods?

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  6. I already know this story Prat, but you did a really nice job retelling the story. One thing I didn't know was that there was a king named Cecrops that was half human and half snake. It wasn't really fair that Poseidon was the god of very salty water and all Athena did was plant an olive tree.

  7. My favorite stories of Greece
    and the gods may not be originals, but they’re still really good. My favorite Greek stories are the Percy Jackson books. They are based on the real Greek hero though, known as Perseus. He was an incredible hero from what I have seen and heard from the books and random places. The main reason that I like these books is because they’re so epic and they have huge battles. It makes the stories so awesome. I mean ,you could just take a random old boring story, add in some battles, and boom, awesome story created! One thing that I would like to know from you, do you have any opinions on my story choice? Just tell me whether you like it or not. Good post!


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