16 October, 2014


Athens in ancient Greece was a beautiful and fun place to live. Yet, women didn’t have the same rights as men! Women weren’t allowed to vote, take any part in politics, or own property. Instead, they had to run the home, organize spinning and weaving, take care of finances, chart supplies of food and drinks, and take care of the sick or young members of the family. I think that the way women were treated in ancient Greece was absolutely crazy! If I were a woman in ancient Greece I would tell men exactly how I feel about their stupid rules. So, if you were a woman in ancient Greece how would you feel?


  1. I would feel angry. Women weren't treated right and I don't think that kind of thing is fair! Women should have the same rights as men since we're all human. The women in Athens should have been able to have jobs or run a business and not have to stay at home all the time! They also should have been able to fight if they wanted as well. What if the same thing had happened to men? How would our society be different today? Overall, why were women treated this way in the first place?

  2. I totally agree with you! I find it so unfair that the men in Greece had all of these freedoms while women were deprived of many of those rights. So many of the women around the world were not allowed to do many of the things that men were allowed to do. So if I lived in Ancient Greece, I would definitely want to give the men a piece of my mind! I mean seriously, how would those men feel if women were the ones with all of the rights and they were the ones who had to sit at home and work?

  3. Thanks for commenting on my post!

  4. Well you can’t really vote until you are 18, but I get what you mean. I agree, I think its ridiculous that some men expected the woman to serve them. Then again, unfortunately woman in America were fighting for their rights up until 1920. So its not surprising that woman didn’t have right in Ancient Greece. Thankfully things have changed and are very different, we are equals. What do think it would be like without women's rights?


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