16 October, 2014

Some Cool Facts About Greece

Well, let’s see here, there aren't many interesting facts about Ancient Greece as far as we know, but if you look up more stuff about it, there are actually some pretty cool facts about Greece that I think you might think are interesting. One of them is that people never ate beans because they believed that they were the souls of dead people! And this fact made me really glad that I wasn't alive during those times, because they had to compete in the Olympics, get this: NAKED! It was totally normal back then, but just imagine how embarrassing it would be nowadays! How would you react if you had to play a lacrosse game or something like that naked?

1 comment:

  1. If I had to play sports naked I would run away and never come back. The fact people thought beans were spirits is strange in my opinion they should then crush them if they were evil. Can you ever eat beans again after this post you wrote? If you can then wow.


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