17 October, 2014


    • Okay so I was a very surprised when I learned  what young boys do at an early age. So what I learned was that around 7-years-old, boys leave their home. They leave their home to go to a children's military school. While there, they learn how to use a sword properly, and how to protect themselves. They were starved so they were forced to steal food. If they were caught with the food that they stole, they were badly punished. Boys stayed at the school until they were 13-years-old. Any way lets go back to the swords. Working with a sword can be very dangerous if you don't know how to use one right. You could get hurt very badly. I wouldn't want to do that in a million years.  I mean like, what kind of person would tell a 7-year-old child to come work with swords. How do you feel about that?


    1. Very good post Helene. I would most likely run away from home or the Military camp before it's to late and just move to some other city.If I were to get forced into camp I would mostly stay quite and resist talking to anyone because one bad move and it's game over.

    2. I liked your post helean. I believe that every boy should learn how to fight so they can protect their family. So when your 7 you should know how to fight so if athens go to war. I would jump to the chance to learn to fight with a sword. So how do you feel about fighting?

    3. Hey guys, I'm sorry to say this but it was actually the Sparta not the Athen civilation :)


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