16 October, 2014

Clothes Are Overrated Anyway (says the Greek)

You probably have a jersey for soccer or football right? The Greeks however, well lets just say they were not the most covered people. Gross right? Well, if you watched the Olympics in ancient Greece then that kind of thing would be normal. The Olympic games were held to honor the Greek gods. They had a bunch of different events such as chariot racing, running, long jumping and sword fighting. The games were fun for the Greeks, it was sort of like a football games now. The other interesting thing was the gods. They had over 50 different gods to worship! How would you worship all of those gods and not make one angry! Well, what they did was have different islands that gave gifts and gold to the gods. What a busy life! What would you do if you were in ancient Greece?


  1. I have actually never watched the Olympic games before. Sword fighting sounds really cool I wish they still had that event in the Olympics today. Even though I don't own a jersey right? I think its really disgusting I mean put on some clothes is it that hard? If I was in Ancient Greek I would lay around and eat donuts.

  2. If I was in Ancient Greece I would go see the Olympics because there were probably not tickets to go there it’s free! Anyway it would be cool to see the Olympics back then, and see the difference between the old and the new. I agree with you how can you worship all the gods,but not anger them. How would you live back them?


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