17 October, 2014

The Trojan Horse

In 1800 B.C., there is a legend about a giant horse called The Trojan Horse. The Trojan war was a battle between troy and the Greeks. There is a myth, that the Spartans made a giant wooden horse, and sent it to troy. Inside the horse, they hid soldiers. Troy thought it was a gift and brought it into the city. At night the soldiers came out of the horse. The soldiers killed Troy’s army while they were sleeping. At the end of the war, the Greeks won. No one knows whether the myth is true, do you think it is true?


  1. The Trojan Horse was not a myth, FYI.It really happend though it’s hard to belive. Who was in charge of that decision? “Hey boss man, I found a big horse in the front yard!” “Oh, yeah send it in it doesn't seem suspicious at all! Who’s idea was the Trojan Horse?

  2. I think it would be really fun, or cool to learn about the Trojan Horse. I really liked how you wrote this. I think this is why they call East Lansing the Trojans. I do think the myth is true about the Trojan Horse. Did you like learning about the Trojan horse, because I did.


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