16 October, 2014

The Olympic Games

In the time of the Ancient Greeks invented contest and held them for the honor of their gods. The Isthmos Games were held every two years like the Olympics. The first Ancient Olympics were held in the honor of Zeus in the early 700’s. Woman were not allowed to even WATCH the games(wow sexist). The Games were held inside of temples that were towering 45 feet in the air.  They did boxing and horse races. They were very brutal but the winners got great recognition and fame, but would you want to participate.


  1. The fact that the men would not let the woman go to the games does not make any sense! That is very sexist! I am not sure if I would like to participate! It sounds very dangerous, but recognition and fame sounds tempting! If you had to participate what sport would you chose?

  2. I like your post a lot Bella. I agree with Sarah and you women are as strong as the men. Good thing in our century we can do sports. I don't know how my life would be just stuck in a building and sewing or netting. I liked that we can do whatever the boys can do. Do you?


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