21 October, 2014

Parent Account Stalking

I would hate if my parents were that strict about my social media. I can see that they're trying to protect their children, but still! Usually I am good about what I post. I still would like to have the responsibility of not being watched 24/7. I agree there are a lot of creeps and weirdos out there that would make me want to if I was a parent, be strict about the rules. Well, it seems like the girl is happy with her social media being stalked by her parents. I would just want my parents to check my instagram like every month to make sure I'm not being inappropriate. If I ever felt like my account was getting out of hand I would talk to a parent or guardian about my issues. What did you think about this?

1 comment:

  1. Creeps and weirdos, oh my! So you agree that if you were the mommy, you would want to check on things. Isn't that what this mommy is doing?
    : )
    I think it is cool that they both seemed to be a part of the boundary setting.process. Like mom is free to look 24/7, but not allowed to comment/like/interact in the girl's social media life.
    As for the out of hand part, do you think most kids feel this way? That if things got out of hand, they would talk to a parent or guardian? Do you agree that when things do go too far, they can be really, really difficult to get out of...and maybe even too hard/embarrassing to ask for help on?
    Excellent post! Thanks for being part of the test crew!!


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