16 October, 2014

How Advanced We Are... Not?

Greece made democracy they were the first to vote on a leader. If you wanted to be far with who's going to lead you then live there. Greece really Knew what was up and now something they did so long ago is our modern day government. We think we are so advanced but we are still using ancient ways of life think of that. Do you think our government is all advanced please tell me?


  1. Yes, I think our government is pretty advanced, but it is based of the Greeks government. This is because we also pick our leaders just like the Ancient Greeks. Even though we chose our leader just like the Greeks we have better technology, and most likely we are more organized. My question is to you is what do you think of another country's government?

  2. I also think our government is advanced, even though it is based off the Greek’s government, it’s still more advanced, because we have branches like the executive, legislative, and the judicial branch. Back then, when the Greek king made a law, nobody could vote if that should be made a law, but now when the president tries to make a law, people can vote if that should be a law or not. Those are some ways that we more advanced in government than the Greeks. Do you the Greeks had the most advanced government in their time?


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