16 October, 2014

Challenge Accepted….

Every 4 years I love to watch the Olympics and I always wondered how it started.  Now I’m going to tell you!
The Greeks held these contests in honor of their Gods.  There were three types:
-The Isthmos games were held every 2 years at the Isthmos of Corinth
-The Pythian games were held every 4 years near Delphi
-The most famous games were held in Olympia, South-West of Greece every fours years

The ancient olympics began in early 700 BC in honor of Zeus.  None of the women were allowed to watch them and only Greek nationals could participate.  One of the ancient “wonders” made of gold and ivory is a statue of Zeus in Olympia by a Greek sculptor Pheidias. It was placed inside a temple even though it was 42 feet high!
The events for the Ancient Greece Olympics include running, long jump, shot put, javelin, boxing, pankration and equestrian events.  Those sound like challenging events… It’s so fun to watch the new events for the Olympics though, what’s your favorite event?


  1. Bella, I love how you worded and wrote your post. I would want to compete in running. I love running. I really disagree with only men able to participate and watch the games. The women have just the same rights as the men. I also think the statue of Zeus sounds super cool. I would like to have the feeling of Zeus watching over me. All in All your log is well written!

    1. Thank you! I agree, the women should have had the rights to compete and I'm glad they do now. If they didn't I do not know how life would've turned out .Now if I chose one to compete in it'd be gymnastics but back then probably running because there wasn't much to compete in.

  2. My favorite Olympic event is volleyball, which I play with you because your on my team! I like how you detailed your post and it explained everything very well. The statue of Zeus sounds very cool, I would've liked to see it. I also don't think it is fair that the women weren't allowed to watch the Olympics, my blog talks about stuff like that too. The events in the Olympics back then sound very intense. See you at volleyball tonight!

    1. If you want to see the picture just click statue of Zeus in my blog! I agree I love volleyball to death if I'd play an Olympic sport it'd be volleyball or gymnastics... Probably volleyball...... Women really should have had the rights and it makes me mad that they didn't. See you tonight!

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