21 October, 2014

Moms Be Like

First this article makes it sound like my generation is horrible at communicating with people and just phone addicts, which not all of us are. Although I don't understand why that mom was like super controlling. I mean if I was that girl I wouldn't really worry about the creeps online I would worry that my mom is not only stalking my account, but tracking my every move which is really frightening. I understand why she was doing this, but I think she took this to the extreme. Also I felt like the interview was all about the mom, because she rarely let the dad or the kids answer any of the questions. So would you want your mom to be like this mom?


  1. Hmmm...did your mom read this?
    : )
    Perspective. I bet lots of kids see this the way you do, but just as many parents would see it another way. That the mom was doing a good job of helping her daughter navigate this new reality, while respecting her social presence at the same time. What would happen if you tried to talk with your mom about this type of situation, and you had each try to take on the role of the other person. You make the argument from the mom side of things, while you let her make the argument from the kid side. Ha! How's that for a challenge!! Any takers?
    Excellent job being part of the test crew!

  2. I’m picking up what your laying down Zarreya, but Mr. Hopper has a point. While kids think the way you do, parents think the way Mr. Hopper does. I wouldn't want my mom to be like this, but I know she is just trying to protect me because she loves me. Again, kids think this is over controlling, but is it really?My challenge to you is to look up the definition of over controlling and see the difference between what the parents are doing, and what over controlling means. (By the way, I’m still taking the kid’s side!) :)


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