16 October, 2014

Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt
Catherine Grundemann

All tho the Greeks had no yogurt back then they did have domination on the brain they conquered Troy by playing a dirty little trick using the Trojan horse .The Greek warriors hid inside a huge wooden horse, the huge horse was rolled into the city of Troy thinking it was a gift from their gods the Troys welcomed it into their city and during the night the Greeks spring into action leading all of their soldiers into the Troy empire burning it to the ground leaving nothing behind. So the next time you think of Greece I want you to think of Greek Yogurt it a lot sweeter than the Greeks and their dirty little tricks.       

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog Cat. I love your ending sentence. I never knew that the Greeks were so clever. I would have never thought of doing this trick if I were around at this time. If they could fit an army into this wooden horse just imagine how much wood and time it took to make this. I challenge you to bring in Greek yogurt and eat it for snack in 3rd hour, Mr.Hoppers class.


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