10 October, 2016

13-year-old businessman

    Hi. I want to talk about a 13-year-old businessman, Main. In 2010, when he was 13-year-old, he established a candle company to sell the fragrance of "manly".

    His business started from a small talk with his sister: she was selling candles girly scent for the fundraising activities of the school, and he got the idea that "Manly fragrance" should be cool at that time. His produced “Manly fragrance” was grass, bacon, sawdust, leather, and so on. He named them ManCansThen, he began ManCans business in order to get a new $1,200 new bike for triathlon. Actually he got it within a few months!

    Why did you choose him? I thought he is a rare entrepreneur who began selling new scent candles. Do you want ManCans?

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