01 May, 2018

Turmeric Spice

A woman at a Hindu festival throwing yellow turmeric, Mumbai, India, February 2003. Photo by: Martin Godwin/Getty Images.
Turmeric spice is native to South Asia, and is frequently mentioned in ancient literature in India. Turmeric means yellow in Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language. Although turmeric is a spice, it also has healing properties. Because of this, ancient Indians would go to their doctors when they were ill, and the doctors would give them medicines, most likely including turmeric. Turmeric goes by many other names than turmeric, like curcuma domestica, halud, and haldi. Turmeric is placed on the heads of newborns for luck, and it's sprinkled on coconuts at a special Hindu prayer ritual. If I had the chance to try turmeric, I would. Would you?


  1. I would definitely try turmeric spice, in fact I think I already have! My Mom has some of it in the cupboard and I think that she already uses it in cooking. Anyways, did you know that turmeric spice is also used in cooking and is considered a wonder spice? I think you should check out some of these foods in this article.
    I don't know if they have turmeric in them though.

  2. I think it is really cool that Turmeric is mentioned in ancient literature. I would have never thought that turmeric is placed on newborns for luck and used in special Hindu rituals. I have tried turmeric before and I think it doesn't add much flavor, all it seems to do is turn the food yellow. I guess its name makes sense then, doesn't it. I think you should check out Alex 's Blog because it talks about foods that probably use turmeric in them! http://tomhopper2.blogspot.com/2018/05/popular-foods-in-myanmar.html


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