02 May, 2018

!Daily food in Bangladesh!

In Bangladesh Rice and Fish are the foundation of ditet. Fish, meats, poultry, and vegetables are cooked in spicy curry. like usual  muslims don't eat consume pork, and hindus don't eat consume beef. Snacks in Bangladesh includes fruits such as banana, mango, and jackfruit, as well as puffed rice and small fried food items. For many men, especially in urbanized regions and bazaars, no day is complete without a cup of sweet tea with milk at a small tea stall, sometimes accompanied by confections.On other important occasions, such as the Eid holidays (witch they celebrate), a goat or cow is slaughtered on the premises and curries are prepared from the fresh meat. Some of the meat is given to relatives and to to the poor!

would you try their food?

Image result for holidays in bangladesh pic

1 comment:

  1. Rana...this was really informative!! Thanks for sharing your writing with us all.


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