03 May, 2018

Typical food in Bangladesh!!

       Rice is the staple food in Bangladeshi. It is usually served with a variety of curries such as vegetable and chicken. The main breads are naanparatha, rotibakarkhani and luchi. Also, "Dal" is the second staple food. Dal are dried and split lentils. They also eat a huge variety of meats. They eat, naanporotarotibakarkhani and luchi! Now onto the best and biggest food branch, the desserts. They have so many desserts! They have this dessert that looks really good called Imarti. It is deep fried and it has an orange color. It flower shaped and very sweet. It looks SO GOOD! Another sweet the Kalo Jam. It is a brown sugary ball with sweet syrup all around it, this also looks very good. All in all Bangladesh food looks and probably tastes really good.

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