31 May, 2015

Sardines, Horns and Fish

Have you opened a can of sardines, notice how there all jammed packed. Well imagine the can being 377,923.1 km and there being 127.3 million sardines, that's Tokyo for you. I can only imagine the smell of that place, with it being one of the top seafood markets in the world and with that many people, it must smell like the grange garbage disposal times ten. Also, if you were to walk down the street it mush sound like world war two with all of the car horns, taxis and talking going on. That would be the last place on earth I would want to be if I had a migraine. Finally can you imagine what the railings to stair ways must be like? I would have to put on hand sanitizer every couple seconds to not fear about getting the flu. Japan seems like a lovely place to visit, but with all of these factors can you imagine living there?  

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