11 May, 2015

My Room Is Too Small!!!

What do you think of When you hear the word hotel? I’ll tell you what I think. When I hear the word hotel I think of a large room with lots of space in it. I’ll also think of a vocation. Sleeping in not worrying about school. Will not in Tokyo. Some of the hotels in Tokyo are really small each room will only fit one person. Do you wanna know why? there are few reasons but the main reason is Space . There are a lot of people in Tokyo and there is not much space there. So many people go to these Capsule Hotels to rest for few hours. From my point of you I think this is a great Idea and the small rooms will feel cozy and home. I’d like to try it for one day but not more than that. Because if its for more than that I’ll probably feel trapped inside that little room and it will not feel like a vocation at all. Do you like to visit The Capsule Hotels?

1 comment:

  1. Well I actually guess it would be okay, i mean after all you a TV a radio and an alarm clock. I have slept on a submarine that was way worse that what it sounds like here. In the submarine you don't even have a bed on a submarine all you have is a hammock. Well anyways I thought maybe you wanted to see Marie's post. It's also about being in a tight space, but in a train not in a hotel


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