05 December, 2014

The Rhino of close extinction

The Black Rhino is in serious dangers these days.  Poachers have been killing them mainly for their precious horns. The poachers spend tons of money just to kill 1 rhino, and for what joy? They are causing extinction to what was once a regular animal on the savanna. In 1980 there were a little under 1 million rhinos, now less than 1,000 remain alive and wild. This shows how many black rhino the poachers have killed. In addition, why do they need the horn so much, people can survive without the medicine and things you do with the horn. In my opinion  it should be illegal to kill, or hunt a black rhino until there are 100,000 of them  roaming in the wild. What do you think should be done to the black rhino?


  1. I noticed that many animals in Africa are close to extinction like giraffes, but I think black rhinos are probably going to be extinct soon. Actual in the western part there are no more black rhinos. Poachers just kill them for their horns so they can have an auction. Black rhino horns can cost up to 70,000 dollars. I don’t think they can stop people from killing the rest of the black rhinos because even if they pass some law some people are going to break it. The remaining rhinos should be watched over so poachers don’t come and kill them.

  2. Do they honestly NEED their horns? Just for what some money? Any money should not be worth any animals life. That is like if someone killed you just for a particular body part that would get them a lot of money. Different situation then right? See what they have done, they have taken a species that was at once a normal population and now there are very few left. Are the poachers a animal hunter group of people or something? I agree that it should be illegal to kill or hunt ANY animal until there are at least 100,000 of them left in the world and everyone should agree! Wouldn't you!?


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