04 December, 2014

Rhino Hunting!

You can buy a nice size house for three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or a hunting permit to kill one black horned rhino. Recently there has been hunters biddings on a hunting permit for an endangered rhino through the Dallas Safari Club. Even though there has been death threats from animal activists, the Dallas Safari Club still continues to go through with the auction . However the money will go to support for the conservation efforts in Africa.  In fact, there are many benefits of African safaris.  One benefit of African hunting safaris is that they create jobs for Africans.  Many Africans are needed to work in the camps, in anti poaching teams, and to build roads and bridges.  The meat from the hunted animals are given to African villages.  However, it is sad that they need to hunt endangered species when there are lots of other animals to hunt in Africa.  What do you think about the bidding on an endangered species?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your answer, and I really don't see the point in hunting rare animals. I mean, yeah, Africans get jobs, but the downside is that eventually, we are gonna run out of rhinos in this world, and so that also means that Africans are going to run out of jobs. So I know that not everyone agrees with me, but what are your guys' opinions?


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