04 December, 2014

Starving Children in Africa

    In Africa right now children, women and men are starving to death.  With no food or money to support them they are dying miserable and hungry.  Did you know, that 1 in 4 Africans go to bed empty every night?  Poor nutrition plays a role in 5.45 million child’s deaths a year.  The number of ravenous people in this country is growing.  The number of deaths to blame for hunger has gone from 175 million to 239 million,  all of this happening in the past few years.  What will you do to help?

1 comment:

  1. I think that people should donate money to africa so people can eat and get medical help. people should go to arica and feed people who are starving, to me it seems like its not fair that people are starving and hungry when we're able to eat and have a warm home. I dont think also don't think its fair that people are dying in misery.


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